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Trends by Tess

I have always been in to fashion since the day I was born. My mother has been my side kick on clothes since the day she first dressed me. She has always given me an open clear opinion on whether I look good or not. I have a wide range of style. The way I dress is based solely on how I feel and who I am. I love giving my friends advice on what to wear or what to buy. Clothes and accessories have given me the confidence on who I really am in my life. I enjoy going shopping and finding new pieces that truly speak to me and my own personality. I had created my facebook and instagram page on the purpose of giving advice and showing what looks good and what trends are going on. Also on the fact of showing how you can become confident in what you wear. Trends by Tess has really brought out the real fashionista I am. Not only do I show what brands I use for clothes but I also show what makeup brands I use where I shop at and the out look of what my bedroom looks like and what lifestyle I live. Fashion doesn't have to be expensive. I go bargain shopping all the time. Every time I enter a store my first outlook is what they have on clearance and what I am capable of doing to make the pieces I find my own. Yes I do own pieces that I never thought I would pay a pretty penny for but those are the main pieces I wear all the time and I get my money's worth. I am always on the search of what the latest trends are and why style is coming up next. The thing though when it comes to fashion is that you should be able to express who you really are. That's the most important thing in life is being who you are and not what people want you to be. Be the leader, the model, the different one. As long as you are who you really are then that's all that matters. Be happy and confident with the person you have become. The only opinion that matters is your own. You can't change how anyone feels about you, but you can change how you feel about you. You are beautiful, gorgeous, smart, funny. You are everything that you are supposed to be, so own who you are and show yourself off with the clothes you wear.

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