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Just Noise.....

It's funny how you can stay up all night thinking about all of things you wish to do, all of things that have happened over the years, how far you have come, etc. As I sit here typing and haven't gotten any sleep I just sit here praying to God that he has a plan for me for my future.

As I sit here anxious to go to school to get more work done because this is of all weeks to get no sleep because finals are upon us and I have a bazillion things to do before the end of the semester. I type because what else is there to do when your mind wanders all over the place and you have a million thoughts and a million questions but where do you even begin.

Life is full of surprises and who knows what is next to come.

I look as to how stressed I have been lately and I pushed back all of my thoughts and feelings to the back so that I could deal with them at another time. But as you all know that is a terrible idea and now I am here sitting and typing so I don't go insane with everything that I want to say.

I'm sure once I get through this week everything will turn out just fine and everything will turn back to normal and we will be back on our marry way towards the next chapter in our lives. Not looking back until the next time you become so stressed that you repeat the same usual cycle.

Life can be an absolute mess and sometimes you really need to realize who you are, what your worth is, and that you really need to start taking care of yourself or you will end up in the situation that I am in and you just feel so stuck. I am more than aware that I need to take care of myself and that I need to get sleep sometime today even if it is for 10-15 minutes, but I have to figure out a way to manage getting all of the photoshop and math and editing I need to do in less than 48 hours.

Where has the time gone. My alarm just went off to get up.

I feel like I have gotten so much accomplished yet not enough at the same time.

I feel like I have gotten so much accomplished yet not enough at the same time but I feel like I still need to empty all the thoughts that are running through my head in order to properly process everything. I look deep into my brain and I can't find much else to say.

It's all just noise that really is filling my head that is not necessary being there.

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